High-Bird lab Dummy

-here I collect random logs //colour scheme is from the ob. I found at Mevius...
Funny-fact I want to add: theme is neurodiversity and, at first I felt lost in the practice because of probably not relating to that, unrelated to the practice I started suspect highly of having ADD, got a talk with my father and seems like he has ADD too and now arranging an appointment to get assessed...funny right? con-side-science (that was not funny, I had fun)
Ooo object oriented ontology
Other than human objects/beings etc making kin ship?
Nice nice, we did especially during the lockdown times…media etc too
But how about making kinship again with humans….

Stanislaw Lem’s invincible… non organic living beings
Ursula L K guin, left hand of the darkness…. Humanoids, humans but with different biology and climate, geography etc etc etc which element affected which one? Both all together

Also the fact that fiction being more real than real?
Stephan Chow cooking movie man eating food and being mesmerised…more real than just filming the standing person biting a food in a way……………………………………………..

So how you see things are different? How you behave is? We end up finding ways to survive(I dont like that word—-) EXİST! In the world/community/population we’re living in. Frustrating?yes

Decoding the human can be fun.

Can you make kinship with boredom?

City planing and camping part of the course, I do not agree
Making utopias? Imagening other ways of living and behaving is fun, like fact, most apparent onvideogamesetcyoucanbuild new and unique dynamics to a universe that you create with new physics laws even

-(notes from don't remember when, untouched)
(I have no idea about what is that but it was on the notes and untouched again)

Stuck in your head
Round bird cage
Gravitron head
Pulls you away from the center of focus hmm what is my center of focus at this point I should decide on couple topics and there are some dates to follow…………………………………………….
………………………………after that………………………………………………………………………
………,,,….,,,…,,,…………most interesting animal in the zoo……………………………………………
…………,,,….,,,……………the tragic death/murder of the creature
Turns out it wasn’t that unique
They replaced it in a such a Shortt time, with no worry, no need to hurry
The replica is basically under your shoes

But-who likes to work at the zoo?
Every animal has things they do, repeatedly, repeatedly
Cirole circle cirle
And every human animal out of the cages are harmonising go the same smell, if we circle circle, if we do the same actions do we create the samesmell? The smell of the zoo is even the same.
Only a foreign tourist with a weird fermenting thing in their intentines, when they take a shit at the toilet, the smell of the zoo changes a bit. But it is just a friction of illusion: actually that happens quite often too.

How it is curious that people who struggle at forming habits can form habits so easily?
Wrong(?) habits, I hear you cough
Immediate faulty
CAMPING, but not in this world, virtual, do we really need you to be there anyways? go inside of some cables codes and stuff!
Melted Animals from Action

I know have a collection of ideas and I will make some short videos...
I think those melted animals somehow started the flow of ideas
I don't know if they're counted as making kinship with other-than-human-thingies but I love my monkey-donkey, he is nearly always with me
Ah! why she wolf smokes so much! woman has so much stress! and I shouldn't perform that surgery to her ovaries, I collected her eggs. Then realised I made her infertile without her consent so, I re-installed them inside of her while she was sleeping...sorry...sorry...sorrry....mes apologies
Then we go hunting, the morphed animals, morphed donkeys
Iti lockdown, night, we re hungry, we havent eaten only milk… everywhere is closed so we should go hunting at night
We end up being ghouls/vampires violently eating, to be hungry next day and forgot to go to supermarket before 20.00 again…
(untouched ramblings again)
I was thinking about how we missed the food opportunities because we were having a reverse sleeping time schedule...living like vampires...I haven't seen sunlight
sleep at 8am and wake up at 16.00....So, I thought oke we're vampires now, no need to AH, Jumbo or French fries place...we need blood y'know, let'S go for hunting! /then maybe I'll make this as short video, also I was bored so I thought how would it be if I would transform into my wonkeydonkey, what would I feel; eat, do? would my boredom lessen or pass because now I would be exploring a new body, biological-system-mash-mesh-punch?
Boredom machine
From Jos and Joop, 1+ one = 4
I feel like I can relate to the humour quite well
we communicate with those images on the book, idk fun
This practice was more-than-bullshit