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reflections readings
Conclusion: Autism and the Human—Again
Neurotypicality Research
my thoughts ... about
my interests
The dematerialization
of bonds
The measures of physical isolation, necessary to contain the pandemic of the new coronavirus, cause possible changes in behaviors, sensitivities, forms of relationship and communication, suggesting the idea of ​​“a before and an after” in our way of life. In this isolation scenario, for example, an intensification of virtual social contacts mediated by digital technologies is observed, symbolizing the dematerialization of bonds, marked by the non-face-to-face relationship of bodies. Based on Franco Berardi’s diagnosis about the “anthropological mutation” of recent years, this text brings to discussion the social effects of our constant presence on screens and the ethics that arise from the intensification of virtual stimuli, especially in this quarantine period.
Crumpiling PAPER - PROCESS
This practice was more-than-bullshit