"Man only plays when he is in the fullest sense of the word a human being, and he is only fully a human being when he plays."
- Friedrich von Schiller
The Utopia of Ordinary Habits

- crafting resembles meditation in the sense that it keeps your attention both focused and free
- emotions are lived rather than banished
- no need for results or meaning, which rejects academic thinking
- spiritual practice
- daily life in all its ordinariness can be a basis for utopian projects
- the habit can be a mechanism for building new ways of being in the world
- a utopia of the "here and now"
- human and non-human
- valuing the ordinary
I found the text about ordinary habits quite inspiring, though by reading the title I expected something different.

I have always felt drawn to the spiritual aspect of everyday life, but that is more experience-based for me.

There are moments when it feels like something bigger is happening.

feeling - connection - present - magic - moment

That feels more than human to me. Everyday moments when people deeply connect.

The utopia starts from e everyday life if you know where to look for it.
This practice has been constantly challenging me to give up my understanding of a creative process. I can get very focused on the result and that is something I would like to avoid within this part of the project.

So I would just be making, maybe listening to music and going with the flow.
I want to remember moments in which I felt this strong connection with others during my life. As well, I will pay attention to my habits and maybe explore the utopian within.

Eckhart Tolle mentions this state of being connected to the present, by analyzing and experiencing your surroundings. (not thinking - separating from past and future)
FINAL IDEA - Kris and Ana
A combination of the most immediately visually evident aspects of lichen and fungi, this approach shows the inherent contrast between a rigid construction versus an organic shape taking over, with this specific example highlighting the separation between rigid tradition and organic spontaneousity growing in different dimensions, existing on the same plane.
"Man only plays when he is in the fullest sense of the word a human being, and he is only fully a human being when he plays."
- Friedrich von Schiller
The Utopia of Ordinary Habits by Ann Cvetkovich

- crafting resembles meditation in the sense that it keeps your attention both focused and free

- emotions are lived rather than banished

- daily life in all its ordinariness can be a basis for utopian projects

- the habit can be a mechanism for building new ways of being in the world

- a utopia of the "here and now"

- human and non-human

- valuing the ordinary
One of the main ideas of our project is to create something without thinking or designing beforehand. This will be a challenge since we decided to just take decisions within the process.

We will make the tufting piece double-sided and work with the tufting gun on one side (rigid) and the punch needle on the other one (organic).

This practice was more-than-bullshit