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human is subject. the vessel is the body. and the entity inside observes the world. humanist wy of looking at Human. it's an oppressive tool. imposed human discourse. humanism > renaissance. a set of mental particular! discursive spiritual values. the measure of all things:human cognition is the way to figure out everything. decorates modernist humanist. sets humans apart from self determining animals. the secret life of trees. stay with the trouble, donna harroway. [although I'm letting go of wanting to sit at the table, there are other conventions that I must let go.] a postman gesture must be politically embodies and real and of change. not too abstract. staying in the trouble. exploring difference. difference is grounded in lived experiences.
when the two domains for humans and non humans come together, things happen. archive>searchable. divide into contingeable parts. contains representations of your human. separate. document. categorise. archival insistence of categorisation is a violent tendency. rethinking the structure of an archive. [making public] the happening.
speech birdsong and language. I like reading to people. knowledge transfer, it is a tender and vulnerable thing. diagnosing, proper language and identifying yourself. many thoughts. [for a safe space, you must reach consensus. does not seem possible in a classroom setting.] how do you accept such a realty. squirrel hoarding and not in a taxidermy way but in a 3d modelling and printing way. because as a young creative, it is hard to do what you truly want. sometimes the only time we have true agency is when we can choose our favorite colour.
poster design by me and Winta
imagery from the diffraction class. printed on the riso.
This practice was more-than-bullshit