back to home base lol
I don't think it has ever been this complicated-- why is listening and learning laced with several rounds of tiresome prerequisites?
For the first time in what feels like forever, there is no structure. There is no guideline, there is no . . . . . . . . . . to follow, there is no arrow on the floor that points you a certain direction, there is no confusion.

Well no, there is confusion, but this confusion is so comfortable and motivating.
Kris Vabalas
The jellyfish changed the course of my life, how did on-screen jellyfish change the course of my life?

The room was spinning, literally, because it was not a real room. The room was superimposed, which is why it suddenly became interesting.

How did they fake the lighting on Donna's face to keep the viewers immersed for so long before realising what happened?
Plan 1 - I shouldn't know that much about you, same way you shouldn't know that much about me
Shall we take a break? Get some coffee or tea and then come back and explore the topic?
Plan 2 - Rigid conformity vs natural fluidity
(this is the string)
A note on slime intelligence:

I remember watching a video on the practice of homeopathy, where the topic was dissected in very intensely-explained layers of thinking. It went surface-level perception, lab-test-proven results, process of creating a homeopathic remedy, and the mentality behind it + history of the remedy.
The last topic was fascinating as a big list of prerequisites was presented to you that you had to follow in order for the remedy to work, this meant no meat, no alcohol, no spicy or overly tasteful meals, no garlic, no cheese, no sweets, no reading pornographic literature while taking the homeopathic cure, but there was also a very short segment of the video dedicated to talking about how the basis of homeopathy is the fact that the active ingredient is diluted to a point where there is not a single micron of the substance traceable inside of the solution. The key argument of why this works is the argument that water remembers what has been put into it.

I found this incredibly interesting as suddenly, water gets a memory, previously only thought to be a quality present in combination with intellect.

This got me thinking about how the most rudimentary slime is essentially various seemingly random semi-solid substances mixed together, with the basis always being water, so when we question the “motives” of slime behaviour - aren’t we questioning the motives, memory, and physics of water as well?
A note on neurotypicality:

It’s funny how the keyboard pre-installed on my phone does not even recognise the word, it keeps asking me whether I want to change it into other words or whether I have made some sort of a mistake.

This makes me think of the relative new update to how we perceive the stages of growing up within diverse surroundings, and how susceptible we are to tiny areas of change.
The Google definition also makes me question why they specifically put “neurotypical students” as one of the definitions.

I’ve been exposed to the word from quite early on in my teenage developmental years, not necessarily through an angle of critical thinking, but more through casual conversation where my approach to a situation was described as neurotypical. I don't know what exactly the situation was, but the context in which the word was used was definitely not correct :)

The word disappeared from my life until this practice after that incident :)
This practice was more-than-bullshit